They never, though, thought about how those demons would return home and tell everyone else about this strange new world with strange new people.

The Vizjerei Mage Clans, hungering to learn demonic powers, eventually learned to summon minions from the Burning Hells to (initially) learn their magics, and later turn them into an army to conquer the world with. Millennia after, the greed of humans would ultimately reveal to the Burning Hells where the Worldstone had been taken to. Now, without any grand prize to fight over, the Eternal Conflict itself rapidly stopped once each side realized the other was just as confused as they were. His brother, Baal, wasn’t so keen on that strategy and invaded Pandemonium Fortress, now barren and empty without the massive Worldstone inside it. As the angels began fleeing the conflict, he called for his own troops to withdraw, believing a great change was in process, and thus he needed time to assess the situation. When Inarius stole the Worldstone in order to create Sanctuary, Mephisto was the first demon to notice the signs. His daughter, Lilith, grew to resent her father just as much, and when her lover, the renegade angel Inarius, offered her the opportunity to rebel and escape the Eternal Conflict, she jumped on it. He had two direct children, Lucion and Lilith, yet the Lord of Hatred despised them just as he despised anything else that moved. Mephisto himself could be seen as a major factor in the creation of Sanctuary. Through this all, Mephisto watches on in joy, entertained by every self-serving plot that breaks the bonds within a group or turns mere distrust into all-out war. Within each little demon gang itself, further scheming results in backstabbing and betrayal, with demons constantly switching from one side to another. There, the numerous demons that call it home band together based on their own ideologies, competing with one another as Mephisto further sows discord among them. Mephisto’s Realm itself is a densely populated section of the Burning Hells, usually referred to as the capital of Hell. Once the mortals have been transformed into spiteful beings like him, he plans on unleashing them against the angels of the High Heavens, who he hates most of all. As the Lord of Hatred, his ultimate goal with Sanctuary is to turn civilizations against each other until children can’t trust their parents, brothers and sisters annihilate each other, and conflict rules over all.

Diablo mephisto and auriel full#
Mephisto, full name Dul’Mephistos, is generally considered the “oldest Prime Evil” (even though technically all the Great Evils are the same age) and, if one could consider the Burning Hells having any sort of central authority, its true leader due to being their best tactician and his skill in manipulating both mortals and his brothers. Well, I thought I’d have until Gamescom to write this up. Menehots TRYHARD AND SHARDS FARM OFC !builds !Request !bob !discord !coaching !vod 560 Blue Tracker ESPORTS CALENDAR ( LIQUIPEDIA)