It was accessed by Komon as the fifth Deunamist of Nexus after utilizing Core Final to evolve into every form of Nexus, and it is by gathering all fragments of Noa in the form of the Nexus Capsules, does he regain back his true self. This is the true form of Noactive, the deity overseeing the Nexus of Souls: Noa. He uses this to his advantage, distorting and/or redirecting his or his opponent's energy and physical attacks. Dimensional Warping: With the Aegis at a considerable length, Noactive can now warp space-time, albeit on a minor scale.The subspace can be commanded to launch energy projectiles and strikes at an opponent. Triple Phase Shift: Noactive raises the blade to the air, instantly generating the Meta Globe, a dimensional subspace that empowers light beings while reducing the power of darkness.Particle Extreme Feather: A swing of the sword generates multiple energy arcs which explode tremendously on impact.Aegis Particle Blade: A silver blade donned on his right arm.The energy required exhausts the Capsules involved and forcefully reverts Noactive back to Anphans. Once hit, a dimensional wormhole expands open from the impact, allowing Noactive to access the Beasts' inner Nouveau Space. Overrow-Schtrom Nexus 'The Bond': A powerful V-shaped beam from the core and Aegis crystals, only used on Neo Nouveau Beasts, who cannot be destroyed through normal means.Most targets decompose at the molecular level, and disintegrate into particles. Pulling back, the energy construct bends in for a more streamlined shape, of which is then released at high velocity, followed by an electrical stream of blue light. Noactive performs the movements of the Over-Ray Schtrom, before extending over the blade to create the body of a bow-and-arrow. Overrow-Schtrom Nexus: A giant energy bow construct generated from the Aegis Particle Blade, with energy gathered from his core.The name Escher comes from the French word 'échu' meaning 'mature', a reference to both Anphans and Junis and to the fact that Escher represents the peak of Nexus. While it is stronger as compared to Anphans however, it loses the Noactive Effect. It uses the assets of the Nexus Junis and Nexus Junis Blue Capsules.
Ultra Armor: His skin is resistant to all forms of damage except those inflicted by the Nouveau Beasts or beings of a higher caliber.Įscher (エッシャー Esshā ?) is Noactive's upgraded form, granting him additional speed and strength rivalling even the most powerful of Nouveau Beasts.Due to the fragmentation of his higher powers in the form of the Ultra Capsules however, its continued growth is stunted. Jeune Aegis: The armor he dons, unlike what most others would think, it is not armor but rather his divine presence repairing itself from deep within his inner light and out from his Energy Core, assimilating with his body and presenting itself as an indestructible, godlike Aegis.Energy Core: Noactive's equivalent to a Color Timer, it flashes when he is running out of time due to a lack of energy.Head Fin: He retains this head fin from his previous forms.He can also detect beings and objects of other overlapping planes or realms of existence, and perform deductive analysis on the building blocks of things. Eyes: Noactive can see through the entire spectrum, and possibly even beyond.Exposure to the Nouveau Beasts' dark energy will deplete his energy reserves at a faster rate. Weakness: Noactive is bound to a 9 minute time limit within the Meta Field before his strength starts to falter.To that end, he embarked on a multiversal journey, to reclaim that of which was once his. However, recovering the form of Noa required him to retrieve the celestial energies scattered across the cosmos, in the form of the Nexus Capsules. While the Golden Demon of Space-Time succeeded in sealing Noa in his devolved state, Nexus, he, too, sustained critical damage that led to his defeat later on, against the 10 Ultra Warriors.Īfter said conflict, Noa regained a portion of his powers, evolving into the state of Noactive. However, Etelgar took this chance to launch a multi-dimensional assault against the god, and their ensuing battle affected a manifold of realities across space-time, of which resulted in the bleeding of his divine self to the multiverse. Having lost a portion of his powers prior, Noa was left slightly weakened and recuperated.